Our commitment: Making a difference through languages
Language connects people. As a translation service provider, we have a responsibility to help our customers overcome linguistic and cultural barriers, help people and their messages to be understood internationally, and make the world more globally interconnected and communicative. Through its business activities alone, oneword therefore bears a certain responsibility towards global society – a responsibility that we work hard to fulfil.
But there are also other social projects that are close to our hearts, to which we contribute on a voluntary basis. With each one, we remain true to our shared vision of promoting fairness and respect and shouldering social responsibility. These are key values in the company’s own mission statement, which shape everything we do.
Social society
The anti-racism campaign “Landkreis Böblingen bleibt bunt (The district of Böblingen remains colourful)” initiated by District Administrator Roland Bernhard actively promotes a cosmopolitan outlook and diversity. The district of Böblingen is characterised by social and cultural diversity, which is directly related to the economic success of the region.
As a language service provider, we work in an international environment on a daily basis and thrive on being open towards other countries and cultures, because this enables companies to be successful worldwide. We know: The world is diverse and our district should be too. This is why we are becoming involved and taking a stand against racism, against discrimination of any kind, against populism and against hate.
Family and social society
For years, oneword has put its heart and soul into supporting nph Kinderhilfe Lateinamerika e. V. (nuestros pequeños hermanos; in English: our little brothers and sisters), which gives back to vulnerable children in Latin America and the Caribbean the security of a loving and safe family environment. The partnership began in 2010 when one of the worst earthquake disasters hit one of the poorest countries in the world: Haiti. We now support the charity all year round with translation services, helping it to make materials and support projects publishable in a non-language-dependent way and communicate them effectively at international level. And the developments are motivating: Now, more than 3,000 vulnerable children in need of protection live in nph children’s villages and the association is supported by donations from across the world. The translation service provider oneword has already received nine consecutive awards as a socially committed company in Baden-Württemberg.
Promoting innovation. Supporting new technologies. These are key competencies at oneword and therefore important motivations for our own “Young. Start. Up.” support programme. Through this programme, and as sponsors of the Cyber One Award presented by bwcon, we support start-ups and young high-tech companies in Baden-Württemberg to communicate their business ideas and products in several languages and make them internationally successful. Our support is geared towards individuality and long-term impact. We offer support through consulting and training in the creation of standard corporate terminology, we provide translation, transcreation and MSEO (multilingual search engine optimisation) with a view to being part of the business’s long-term success, and we adapt the support to the individual needs of the start-up.
BOGY: oneword wants to instil in young people who are interested in languages a passion for making that interest into a career. This is because, whether in the field of translation, project management, terminology or translation partner management, the opportunities in the translation industry are as numerous as the number of languages spoken in the world. There is something to suit everyone. For school pupils in the Stuttgart region who are interested in using languages in their future careers, oneword offers taster weeks in the exciting and often unknown world of language services. These are offered through a work experience programme known as Berufsorientierung an Gymnasien (‘BOGY’).
Young people gain hands-on experience of working for a modern, innovative language service provider and an insight into a dynamic, steadily growing industry with a range of career opportunities that demand not just language skills but also expertise in state-of-the-art technologies.
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8 good reasons to choose oneword.
Learn more about what we do and what sets us apart from traditional translation agencies.
We explain 8 good reasons and more to choose oneword for a successful partnership.