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So far Sara Cantaro has created 191 blog entries.

Translation-oriented writing in medical technology

Medical technology is an elementary component of the German healthcare system and the German economy. The industry is subject to stringent requirements and regulations that affect production and application as well as technical documentation and its translation. Reason enough for us to take a closer look.

Translation-oriented writing in medical technology2024-01-12T09:11:35+01:00

Terminology for machine translation: effective approaches to improve the quality of translation output

As good as the results of machine translation are, they are still far from perfect. Above all, it's the rendering of specialised terminology that plays a decisive role in the quality of the output. This is because specialised terms are often translated incorrectly, inconsistently or at least in a way that deviates from a company's corporate language. So we explain when and how terminology can be integrated into machine translation and what needs to be taken into account in the process.

Terminology for machine translation: effective approaches to improve the quality of translation output2024-01-12T08:27:22+01:00

What is translation-oriented writing?

It makes sense to write clear and comprehensible texts. This almost makes even more sense if the texts are going to be translated. After all, The more comprehensible the source text, the more comprehensible the translation result – and the simpler, faster and cheaper the entire process. Translation-oriented writing contributes significantly to this. We explain the essential aspects, show what to look out for and reveal why those using the source texts also benefit from it.

What is translation-oriented writing?2024-11-28T10:51:41+01:00

Ownership of translation memories: Clear copyright and usage rights in the translation process

It would be difficult to be without translation memories in the modern translation process, but it would be easy to be without disputes over copyright and ownership of content and data. We explain the framework conditions and explain why we give our customers all of the opportunities, without putting legal obstacles in their way.

Ownership of translation memories: Clear copyright and usage rights in the translation process2023-10-27T15:47:40+02:00

Evaluating : Clear terminology for effective corporate communication

Corporate communication must be unambiguous in any language for it to function effectively and avoid misunderstandings. This requires consistent terminology and sound terminology management. Evaluating and determining the appropriate terms from several options are key to this. That is why we will take a closer look at what needs to be considered.

Evaluating : Clear terminology for effective corporate communication2023-10-27T15:31:13+02:00

Plain language and standards: The ISO standard for comprehensible texts is here. A German DIN standard is to follow

So far, there has been no strict rules for plain language. Now ISO has adopted the first standard for plain language. The ISO standard creates guidelines for comprehensible texts in all areas of public administration and corporate communication. It is also the basis of a DIN standard for the German language, which is currently in progress.

Plain language and standards: The ISO standard for comprehensible texts is here. A German DIN standard is to follow2024-06-21T09:14:04+02:00

Plain Language: Understanding and being understood

Plain Language ('Einfache Sprache') makes it possible to understand texts as easily, quickly and completely as possible. This benefits readers and creators alike. We explain what Plain Language is exactly, where and how it can be used and what needs to be considered when using it.

Plain Language: Understanding and being understood2023-10-27T16:02:02+02:00

Term Mining: In search of terminology

Terminology creation or extraction is also called term mining. It's a good metaphor, because just like rocks or minerals, a company's terms are already there, but usually hidden deep in documents, often not to be found in pure form – and always valuable for an organisation's corporate language. It is therefore necessary to uncover the company's own stock of words, to sound them out and bring them to light.

Term Mining: In search of terminology2024-06-21T09:49:09+02:00

oneword at the ISO TC 37 Annual Meeting in Brussels

Our Head of Quality Management, Eva-Maria Tillmann, member and co-project leader of the DIN subcommittee for translation services, attended the meeting of ISO Technical Committee 37, Language and Terminology, in Brussels. Here is her status and travel report.

oneword at the ISO TC 37 Annual Meeting in Brussels2023-08-03T15:56:12+02:00
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