Successful certification to ISO 9001: Excellent quality management at oneword
At oneword, quality is not just something we claim to deliver: it is an integral part of our daily work. We have been successfully certified to ISO 9001, proving once again that our quality management system fulfils the highest requirements and is optimally integrated into our work processes. This is an important step in fulfilling the high expectations of our customers and partners.
Quality management systems both oblige and help companies to systematically analyse and optimise their processes so that they can ultimately meet all the requirements of the service they are providing. This is not just about efficiency, but also about minimising risks, ensuring that the work results are reliable and increasing customer satisfaction. The gold standard here is the ISO 9001 standard, which has various areas of application.
Our certification for translation services confirms that we have not only established clear structures and processes throughout the company and in all services, but are also continually working to improve them. An independent auditor noted and highlighted how deeply our innovative quality work is anchored in our daily work processes and in the minds of oneword’s employees. From the management to the operational teams, everyone involved actively contributes to effective quality management, which is reflected in the high process reliability and transparency of our projects.
Effective quality management across the board
We continually define new quality targets in all specialist areas and review their progress using clear key figures. Our quality management system is constantly being driven forward and further optimised. It is characterised by a risk assessment that is firmly anchored and integrated into all processes, meaning that potential risks can be identified and reduced at an early stage. The auditor was particularly positive about our ideas management and data protection precautions. We attach great importance to making work processes secure and confidential, which is a must in the translation industry. With our ideas management and continuous improvement process, we not only increase the efficiency of our work, but also create innovative solutions for our customers’ needs.
As one example of our innovative power, we manage our processes and customer requirements in our project management tool oneTask, which the auditor provided particularly positive comments about in several areas. The versatile workflow templates, which are individually tailored to service types and the requirements of our customers, optimise efficiency and ensure clear structures and smooth project implementation in accordance with ISO 17100 and ISO 18587. In addition, oneTask provides our external partners and translators with secure and direct access to comprehensive reference materials and detailed instructions for each order. In this way, we not only ensure a standardised working method, but also guarantee consistently high translation quality.
From analysis to continuous optimisation
Our quality management officer, Eva-Maria Tillmann, plays a central role in quality management. She monitors and audits all processes and compliance with requirements. She also regularly assesses risks and opportunities in order to initiate targeted improvement measures. This is done in close co-operation with all the specialist departments.
The audit showed particularly positive results for the MTPE department’s systematic evaluation of machine translation output in accordance with ISO 18587 as part of the analysis process. Once the post-editing process is complete, our post-editors use a clearly defined process to provide structured feedback on the machine translation output. Evaluating this feedback regularly and in a structured way contributes towards quality assurance and optimised process planning, and also provides us with valuable knowledge about the quality of the output of the various MT systems in different scenarios.
Conclusion: using quality to create a trusting working relationship
Our successful certification to DIN ISO 9001 emphasises our own high-quality standards and shows that we are consistently implementing our own standards and those of our customers. The auditor also put particular emphasis on our innovative technology solutions, our requirements-based terminology processes and our dedicated team. This certification is not only a confirmation of our work to date, but also an incentive to continue on our path of continuous improvement – for the best results and a trusting working relationship with our customers.
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