oneword Kunden Referenzen; Leiste mit Logos von Avira, Phoenix Contact, ZF, Lewa, Mercedes-Benz, Chanel, FEIN, DFG, Medion, ILLIG

Our customers come from virtually all global industries. Our clients demand high quality translations and excellent quality management combined with a tailored service. oneword guarantees exactly this by aiming to increase the productivity of the customer’s team through expertise, automation and modern technologies in order to optimise translation costs. As a language service provider, we offer a complete range of services, from specialised translations for technical communication, software localisation, marketing translations, terminology management, use of translation memory systems, revision and layout solutions and machine translation + post-editing (MTPE) to process analyses, workflow optimisation, automation, training and consulting.

Tessa Pieczyk
Tessa Pieczyk, oneword


Head of Translation Management


t.pieczyk@oneword.de +49 (0)7031 714-9572

And this is what our customers say about working with oneword:

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Detailed reports on the successful projects can be found in our Case Studies under white papers and case studies.

Regular updates on oneword, translation topics and case studies are provided in our monthly oneword newsletter.

Word for word: oneword statistics

Translation volume per day

  • We can translate 1,500–2,000 words per day, per translator and per language
  • We translate around 1,500–1,800 words per day for texts of above-average difficulty or marketing texts (minimum/maximum per translator and language)
  • On average, our post-editors manage 4,000 words per day using a combination of machine translation and post-editing (MTPE)
  • For translations into Asian languages, we manage around 1,500–1,800 words per day (minimum/maximum per translator and language)
  • We can translate around 1,500 words per day from an Asian language into German or English
  • Our professional translators can translate around 1,000 words per day from an Asian language into German or English for texts of above-average difficulty
  • Our revisers can revise 1,250–1,500 words per hour
  • We can process around 500 pages per day for foreign-language desktop publishing

Translation projects and terminology projects per year

  • In 2019, we worked on precisely 9,662 projects and 26,253 sub-projects
  • In 2020, we worked on precisely 10,148 projects and 25,734 sub-projects
  • We register an average of 271 projects per day, which are managed through teamwork with our experts from project management, translation, revision, post-editing, quality assurance, transcreation, SEO and desktop publishing
  • We handle large, time-critical volumes with reliable, well-coordinated teamwork and efficient translation management workflows

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